40% of the area is eager to separate from Pakistan, what does Balochistan mean for India…

Pakistan, which is conspiring to spread terror in Kashmir, is not able to stop the conflict in one of its own big provinces.

In Pakistan’s largest province Balochistan, militants attack and kill people almost every day. On 26 August, in just 24 hours, Baloch militants killed at least 70 people at different places.

They killed the passengers after identifying them. The Baloch Liberation Army has claimed responsibility for these attacks. The buses were stopped in Musakhel and at least 23 Punjabis were killed.

This is not a new thing in Balochistan. In April this year too, militants killed Punjabi travellers near the city of Noshki. Apart from this, six Punjabi labourers were killed in Kech.

Who are the Baloch and why do they attack?

The area of ​​Balochistan is 40 percent of the total area of ​​Pakistan. In that respect, the population here is not much. The Maluchs are the majority here. The Baluchs say that their civilization is 5 thousand years old and is different from the common Muslims of Pakistan.

In such a situation, they have been demanding a separate nation for a long time. Balochistan is adjacent to Afghanistan. They say that Pakistan has always discriminated against the people here. The government of Pakistan exploits the natural resources here and the people here get nothing in return.

The Balochs believe that the biggest reason behind their plight is the Punjabis. People from Pakistan’s Punjab also have greater representation in the government.

A large number of Punjabis also come to Balochistan to work. In such a situation, the Balochs believe that the Punjabis are violating their rights. Balochistan is rich in mineral wealth.

More than 40 percent of the gas is produced here. Apart from this, copper and gold are also found in abundance. 26 August is a special day for the Balochs because 18 years ago on this day their leader Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti was murdered by the Pakistani government. At that time Pervez Musharraf was the President.

The language and culture of the Balochs are also different

The language and culture of the Balochs is different from the rest of Pakistan. These people speak Balochi. Whereas in Pakistan, Urdu or Punjabi is spoken.

The Balochs are also afraid about their culture. They feel that Pakistan wants to destroy their language and culture. In such a situation, they want that people from other provinces of Pakistan should not come to Balochistan. Apart from this, when vehicles carrying mineral wealth leave from here, the Baloch militants loot them.

Pakistan oppresses the Baloch

Pakistan has always oppressed the Balochs. People who support Balochistan become victims of extra-judicial killings. According to an NGO, about 20,000 Balochs went missing between 2001 and 2017.

Balochs hate the Chinese

People of the Baloch Army often target Chinese citizens as well. In fact, Pakistan has leased the mines of Baloch to China. A large part of the CPEC also passes through Balochistan. The Baloch say that China provides weapons to Pakistan to attack them. Gwadar Port is also included in CPEC, which has been the cause of violence.

What does it mean for India

According to Ajay Bisaria, former High Commissioner of India to Pakistan, Islamabad constantly accuses India of helping the Balochs. It says that Iran is a safe haven for the Balochs. However, India does not take this seriously. India has also rejected these allegations many times.

Now the Baloch militants are also getting the support of Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan. The UK and the US have declared these organizations as terrorist organizations. At the same time, this conflict going on in Pakistan is a big example for it.

On one side it is engaged in plotting to break India and on the other side, 40 per cent of it is ready to separate.

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