Biggest famine in 40 years, 6.8 crore people facing food crisis

Harare. To deal with hunger in Zimbabwe, the government has ordered the killing of elephants. 200 elephants will be killed in 4 districts of Zimbabwe and their meat will be distributed among different communities. Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Authority has confirmed this.
Actually, Zimbabwe is facing the biggest drought problem in the last 4 decades. Due to this, almost half of the population of the country is facing food crisis. The entire crop of the country has been destroyed due to the drought caused by El Nino. In such a situation, more than 6 crore 80 lakh people of Zimbabwe are facing food shortage.
There is also a target to reduce the number of elephants in the country
Park and Wildlife Authority spokesperson Farawo said that the other motive behind killing elephants is to reduce the number of elephants in Zimbabwe’s parks. Actually, there are about 1 lakh elephants in Zimbabwe. However, the parks here have space to keep only 55 thousand elephants. On the other hand, due to drought, there is a possibility of increasing difficulty in maintaining balance between the citizens and elephants of the country. Last year, 50 people died in elephant attacks in Zimbabwe. Earlier in 1988, elephants were slaughtered in Zimbabwe and their meat was sold in this manner.

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