Children crying of hunger in dictator Kim Jong Un’s country? Putin sent 447 goats…

It is well known that apart from China, North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un is providing the most support to Russia in the war against Ukraine.

This is why two months ago Putin chose North Korea as his first foreign trip in the midst of the war. Putin was given a grand welcome in North Korea too.

It is being told that during the summit between North Korea and Russia, Kim Jong Un had asked the Russian President for help in doing something for the hungry children in his country.

After this, on Putin’s orders, 447 goats have been sent from Russia to North Korea.

Putin’s government has approved a shipment of 447 goats to North Korea after reviewing veterinary and sanitary conditions amid deepening cooperation between Pyongyang and Moscow, according to Russia’s agricultural safety watchdog.

The first batch of 432 female and 15 male goats were sent to North Korea, Yonhap news agency reported, citing a statement posted on the website of Russia’s Rosselkhoznadzor.

The goats were sent to a North Korean trading company. It said the shipment would be transported from Russia’s Leningrad region to the North Korean border town of Rason.

summit between Putin and Kim Jong

This move has been taken at a time when the top leaders of North Korea and Russia met each other for a summit in the month of June.

The move comes after the summit between Kim Jong-un and Russian President Vladimir Putin, which is seen as a sign of strengthening ties between the two countries.

North Korea’s state media Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) reported on August 9 that goat farms have been built in parts of the western port city of Nampho.

Yonhap news agency quoted KCNA as saying, “This step has been taken by Russia to promote the production of dairy products in North Korea. Along with this, an initiative has been taken to send a number of good breed goats from Russia to North Korea.

In fact, during the Corona period, many cases of malnutrition among children were reported in North Korea. It is believed that this is also why Russia is helping North Korea.

During a party meeting in June 2021, Kim called for setting a policy to provide dairy products and other nutritious foods to all children across the country.

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