India’s Shukrayaan to launch in 2028 – NNSP

New Delhi. India’s first Venus mission will be launched in March 2028. The Central Government approved this mission on 19 September. This mission will last for four years. Venus i.e. the planet Venus is about 4 crore km away from the Earth. Venus is also called the twin planet of Earth. However, the day and night here are much longer than on Earth. Actually Venus rotates very slowly on its axis. Because of this, one day of Venus is equal to 243 days of Earth.
This mission of India will be sent to study the orbit of planet Venus. Under the mission, India will collect information about the surface of Venus, its atmosphere, ionosphere (the outer part of the atmosphere from where communication and navigation waves are reflected). The planet Venus is very close to the Sun. In such a situation, how much and what effect does the Sun have on the planet? This will also be explored under this mission.
Due to the high temperature on Venus, no lander could survive for more than two hours. The atmospheric pressure on Venus is much higher than that on Earth. If we understand this in simple language, there is as much pressure here as is felt under the sea on Earth.
Venus rotates on its axis much more slowly than Earth. One revolution of Venus is approximately equal to 243 Earth days. The planet Venus rotates in the opposite direction compared to other planets. It rotates in the opposite direction to the Earth. This means that on Venus the Sun rises in the west and sets in the east.

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