Lies upon lies…India rebuked Shehbaz Sharif in UN, reminded of Bangladesh genocide…

After Pakistani Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif once again raised the Kashmir issue in the United Nations and raised the issue of challenge from India, India has also strongly reprimanded him.

Shahbaz Sharif once again spewed venom against India on the UN platform and alleged that he keeps receiving threats from India.

After this, Indian diplomat in UN Bhavika Mangalnand, using the Right of Reply in UNGA, again exposed Pakistan, which has become synonymous with terrorism, in front of the world.

He said that how can a country whose fingerprints are involved in terrorist incidents around the world, which carried out genocide in Bangladesh, make such a joke on the UN platform.

India said at the UNGA that this gathering had unfortunately been made a laughing stock this morning. A country synonymous with terrorism across the world and known for drug smuggling has dared to attack the world’s largest democracy.

He said, I am talking about the speech given by the Pakistani Prime Minister about India. The world knows that Pakistan has been famous for cross-border terrorism for a long time and uses terrorism as a weapon against its neighbor.

He further said, attack on our Parliament, terrorist attack in Mumbai, terrorist attack on pilgrims. This list is very long. If such a country even talks about violence then it is very ridiculous.

Pakistan also tries to use terror in the democratic elections of our country. Pakistan leaves no stone unturned to disrupt the elections in Jammu and Kashmir even though it is an integral part of India.

There can be no compromise with terrorism. Pakistan should understand that use of terrorism against India will prove fatal for it.

India said, how can a country which carried out genocide in 1971 and continues to persecute minorities, talk about intolerance and phobia. The world can see what the reality of Pakistan is.

I am talking about the country which gave shelter to terrorist Osama bin Laden. A country whose fingerprints are found in every terrorist incident around the world. The country which is a haven for terrorists. The speech of the Prime Minister of that country is unacceptable to us.

We know that Pakistan will try to hide the truth by telling more lies. But even telling lies again and again is not going to change anything. Our stand is clear and there is no need to repeat it.

What did Shahbaz Sharif say

Pakistan Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif raised the issue of Kashmir in the United Nations General Assembly on Friday. He had said that India should withdraw the decision to remove Article 370.

Apart from this, the path of dialogue should be opened for a peaceful solution to the issue of Jammu and Kashmir. He started talking about Palestine and Israel and then suddenly came to Kashmir.

Sharif said that the people of Kashmir have struggled for freedom. India has refused to implement the Security Council resolutions.

In this proposal the people of Kashmir were given the right to self-determination. He called the removal of Article 370 a unilateral step.

Sharif alleged that India was confiscating Kashmir’s land and properties and wanted to make Muslims a minority in Kashmir. Apart from this, our people are being settled in Kashmir.

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