Putting hand on heart gives you chutney, onion is given by eye gesture; here order is done by light of bulb – NNSP

New Delhi . If you go to a cafe and see the waiter bringing food or soft drink without taking the order, then do not be surprised, the order has been given to the waiter through gestures. If you have to give the order without speaking, then do not be surprised. There is a unique cafe named Echoes Sound of Silence in Satya Niketan. It is run by deaf and dumb employees. Here food is served to the customers by taking the order in sign language. These special employees have created employment by making sign language their weapon. The special thing is that through this cafe, the thinking towards disabled people is also being changed. Usually in many cafes and other places, disabled people are seen working behind the scenes. But, here the employees welcome the guests coming to the cafe with complete ease and also fulfill their demands. This is Echoes Sound of Silence Cafe. Here special sign language is used to give orders. Sign language symbols are also made in the cafe. The employees serve food to the guests using graphic boards and sign language. Not only this, they also teach simple sign language to people.

Employees become a source of inspiration

Earlier, when people used to look at them negatively when they did not have a job. But now they have become a source of inspiration for many people. This is what 45-year-old Pramod says. He works as a senior cashier in the cafe. He told that some people bring their children to see him. Students from the deaf and dumb school also come on a study tour to see the cafe and gain experience from the work of the employees, which is inspiring other people as well.

On pointing at your eyes you get onions, on pointing at your heart you get chutney

A queue book has been made for taking orders here. It is used for spoon, water, bill, talking to the cafe manager and for other purposes. If someone is sitting at the dining table and wants to order something to eat or drink, he can press the button placed above the table. With the help of the bulb light placed there, the staff will be able to know from which table he has been called.

This is how you order

They have also made some symbols so that customers do not have any trouble while ordering. In which they give green chutney by touching the heart. Whereas, they give onions on pointing towards the eyes. Also, if you want to order a soft drink then you touch your cheek for it. If you want to order momos then you write M one and for burger you write B one to order. The way of thanking the employees is also unique, in this they have to give a thumbs up sign with a smile.

Sign language should become a part of school education

If the spirits are high then any work can be done easily. This line perfectly applies to the deaf and dumb employees working in the cafe. 25 year old Preeti, who works in the cafe, tells in sign language that earlier when she used to study in school, no one could understand her. Sign language should be taught in schools, so that people can know the spoken language. She says that due to financial problems, she did not study after 10th class. She started sewing work at home, but that did not solve the financial problems.

Echoes Cafe founder Kshitij Behal said that when a deaf and mute person works in a company, people avoid him. Not everyone in the society can understand their sign language and hence they get cut off from the society. These people have a lot of ability.

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