Those who eat before 9 pm have a lower risk of cancer

Barcelona. According to a study by the Barcelona Institute for Global Health, people who regularly eat before 9 pm and keep a two-hour gap between meals and sleep have a 20 percent lower risk of breast and prostate cancer. According to the lead researcher of the study, the findings highlight the importance of circadian rhythms in studies on diet and cancer.
Circadian rhythm is the cycle of waking and waking. This study has been published in the International Journal of Cancer. According to the news of Healthline, the researchers analyzed the data of 621 participants with prostate cancer and 1,205 participants with breast cancer. Apart from this, they also analyzed the data of groups of 872 men and 1,321 women who did not work at night. The researchers conducted face-to-face interviews about eating and sleeping habits and other cancer risk factors to analyze possible cancer.
Almost everyone in the study reported eating breakfast, lunch and dinner. About one-third of the people had breakfast in the afternoon, and 7 percent had breakfast after dinner. After analysis, it was found that those who waited at least two hours between dinner and sleep had a 20 percent reduced risk of breast and prostate cancer. Apart from this, a similar reduced risk was also found in those who ate dinner before 9 pm. On the other hand, most of the people who already had cancer ate dinner after 9 pm. That is, eating after 9 pm is an invitation to cancer risk. The lead author of the study, Dr. Manolis Kozivinas, says that the risk of cancer can be reduced by making positive changes in daily eating patterns. He also said that it cannot be claimed with certainty that eating habits alone are responsible for cancer.
According to WHO, cancer is the second most common cause of death worldwide. While lung, prostate, colon, stomach and liver cancers are common in men, women are more prone to breast, colorectal, lung, cervical and thyroid cancers. He said that more research is needed for this. However, some evidence suggests that eating habits and sleep patterns can also be a reason. According to the World Health Organization, factors such as smoking, alcohol, junk food, sedentary lifestyle, pollution, non-communicable diseases, poor eating habits are responsible for cancer.

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